Contribute to the Future of Elthos!

Howdy.  I would like to say Thank You! to everyone who has contributed to the project and helped with the Beta Testing, and offering their advice along the way.  The Elthos Project is a large scale effort, with many aspects, and the Mythos Machine in particular is an enormously sophisticated RPG Gamemaster's Game-Prep Utility.

To be frank, I'm a one man shop here.  I created the rules system (history of Elthos), designed and programmed the web application, founded and fully manage the business end, create the Worlds, artwork, T-Shirts, and other items, handle all communications, marketing and support, and personally deal with all other operations related to the project.  That's a lot for one guy, and goes to explain why it has take a long time to put the entire project together.  I'm also needing to support myself so I work full time as a programmer / analyst.  You can read more about the Elthos Project and it's ambitious goals here.  One day I would like to be able to devote my attention to Elthos entirely so that I can provide the best World-Class Next-Gen RPG Software possible to the gaming Community.

Overall, my goal is to help advance our wonderful RPG Hobby in every fruitful direction I can possibly think of well into the 21st century... and beyond. But of course I need your help to do so.  Your contributions, of whatever kind you can give, are greatly appreciated and will help to keep the project advancing.  

If you like the ideas and concepts of the Elthos Project and want to help support future development please don’t wait for a KickStarter to do so!  You can help right away by purchasing our products and swag from our Shop, or by making a direct contribution to the cause… Here are a number of ways you can do so.

  1. Become a Beta Tester - your feedback will help shape the product of tomorrow!
  2. Lend us your confidence by signing up for our newsletter (in the footer below)
  3. Buy our Book(s) and/or Swag at the Elthos Shop (check the Shop Menu above for options)
  4. Join my Elthos Patreon! (Thank you!!)
  5. Write a Review or invite me to a Podcast or Youtube Chat (:D)
  6. Make a "Friend of Elthos" Contribution right here! (Thank you!!!)

Friend of Elthos Sponsor Levels

Thank you for your encouragement and support!!